Lotus & Swamplandia 2025

4-6 June 2025


Swamplandia is an annual three-day conference of talks and activities taking place in Naxos Greece for 2025.


All participants are expected to participate for the duration of the event.


Note that participation is not guaranteed (unless invited) and will be given based on priority and relavence.


The goal of this event is to bring leaders together from across the globe and discuss questions related to the Swampland and Landscape. We particularly encourage the participation of early career researchers.

Swamplandia in Bavaria 2024 (website

Swamplandia in Madrid 2023 (website


Speakers (TBD)


The Venue

Naxos Greece

Hotel: Naxos Resort  

Accomodation and talks will take place at the resort. Breakfast and coffee breaks will take place in the hotel. Lunch and dinner either in the hotel or local venues:

 *The cost of accomodation and meals is covered for all pariticpants.


Official Sponsor

 Swampland Initiative, Harvard University


This conference is supported by a generous gift from the DellaPietra Foundation


Alek Bedroya

Houri C.Tarazi

Cumrun Vafa

For questions please contact swamplandia.organizers@gmail.com

This event is in collaboration with the

Crete Center for Theoretical physics
